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update adaptation from two email sent out

Adapted from two letters sent out to some contacts with wealthy contacts-- Yes! Yes, Yes! we would love it dearly if you would tell your friends about us. You might want to give them some financial details as well...  They would need to keep in mind this is an expensive LONG term investment. Short term, there would be no immediate benefits, but long term, we hope to give back to them, and to the community Along the way, teaching folks that it is possible to have an edible food forest in an urban setting, and that they dont have to exodus the city to find nature and/or to create a little mini regenerative oasis. How we do this is a little bit limited while we are caring for Mom full time, but we would like to be allowed to put into the groundwork to reach it's full potential. 1) From having a mini homeshed or getting a prebuilt container put into the backyard to rent a space in the backyard out to help cover taxes.... ($50/$100 night) 2)To eventually (after Mom has passed) cleaning
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question and answer response: with more uptodate ideas 2024

Q: have you looked into idea of microgreen: , Yes, we have looked into that idea and tried a few attempts just to grow microgreens for ourselves.. though currently we don't seem to be very good at growing microgreens even for ourselves. But, Something we are decent at growing halfway well enough to share is the Chaya and Longevity spinach,  so we are hoping if we could teach folks about those two plants and  maybe we could create a small mini niche market for that.   It requires educating folks so it's a long term goal... but those are two of the three plants we grow most successfully.   And it's the only products  that kiddo has expressed any delight in the idea of selling later on.   But again , this is long term goal.   Right now, for this immediate year our concentration is finding a way to buy out the ex with a long-term investor preferably over a short term one.... Once the ex is bought out, saying the investor is compatible with us doing this and willing to give us s

Mission Statement

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sharing a bit about ourselves

I thought maybe perhaps we might share my profile from a dating site I am on, in order to help others to get a sense or feel for how our hearts are, I hope that this helps some:  Please be kind in your judgement of us, as we expose our beings and hopes and dreams with you.  Much hope for your kindness.   Humbled and hopeful and opening our beings to the universe  πŸ™πŸŒ± πŸŒΏπŸ’— gardendreamer "Please Help us Create our urban foodforest story" Seeking :  LTR, Friends, Travel Companion, Pen Pals, Just Curious, Other, Celibate Relationship, Celibate Marriage Languages: English Marital: Divorced Spiritual Beliefs: Conscious/Spiritual Diet: omnivore Drink: Socially Tobacco: don’t smoke 420: No marijuana for me Exercise: 1-2 days/week Energy Level: Average Education: Some college How Green?Medium Green (mostly green lifestyle) Political Views: Prefer not to say Children: one , kids live full-time Willing to relocate:No Sun Sign:Not sure Rising Sign:Not Sure Moon Sign:Not sure Chinese Sig